SS | | Trabzonloading | 444 8 290


450 862 ( 2022 )

Annual Population Growth Rate

% 0.16 ( 2022 )

Net Migration Rate

% 1.81 ( 2022 )

Unemployment Rate

% 9.90 ( 2022 ) ( TR 90 Region )

Median Age

41.6 ( 2022 )


6 934 km²

Urbanization Rate

% 67.97

Population Density

66 people / km2

Neighboring Cities

Ordu, Trabzon, Sivas, Gumushane, Erzincan

Top 5 District By Population

Centre (145 361), Bulancak (69 415), Espiye (37 775), Tirebolu (32 576), Gorele (30 973)



Telephone Area Code

+90 454

Annual Export Value

346 373 870 USD ( 2022 )

Annual Import Value

25 235 030 USD ( 2022 )

Number of Members Registered To

Chambers of Commerce and Industry

5 155 ( Total ) & 576 ( Manufacturing Industry )

Major Export Sectors

Hazelnuts and Products, Defense and Aerospace, Machinery and Accessories, Fruit and Vegetable Products,

Clothing and Textile

Major Import Products

Boilers, Machines, Mechanical Devices and Appliances, Plastics and Products, Vegetables and Fruits,

Organic Chemical Products

Major Agricultural Products

Hazelnut, Tea, Cherry, Kiwi, Walnut, Mulberry, Cranberry, Blueberry, Black Cabbage, Green Bean, Tomato,

White Cabbage, Cucumber

Major Underground Sources

Copper, Zinc, Lead, Barite, Alunite, Clay, Kaolin, Illite, Bentonite, Marble, Lignite


There are 16 Districts, 24 Municipalities (8 of them are Town Municipalities: Aydındere and Kovanlık Towns in Bulancak, Yavuzkemal Town in Dereli, Soğukpınar Town in Espiye, Ören Town in Eynesil, Çavuşlu Town in Görele, Duroğlu Town in Centre and Üçtepe Town in Yağlıdere), 199 Neighborhoods and 553 Villages in Giresun. According to the results of the TUIK ABPRS (Address Based Population Registration System) in 2022, the population of Giresun consists of 450 862 people and Giresun’s rank is 44th among 81 provinces. The share of Giresun population in Turkey's total population (85 279 553) is % 0.53. 2022 population increased % 0.16 compared to the 2021 population and increased % 7.98 compared to the 2007 population when ABPRS started. The population density of Giresun in 2022 is 66 people / km2. This rate is 136 people / km2 in Turkey.


According to the 2022 statistics published by TUIK in the NUTS 2 Level, which consists of 26 Regions, the labor force participation rate is % 63.3, the employment rate is % 57.0 and the unemployment rate is % 9.9 in the TR 90 Region, which includes Giresun. Labor force participation and employment rates are higher than Turkey's average, and unemployment rate is lower than Turkey's average. According to the 2022 SSI statistics; the number of workplaces in Giresun is 10 570 and the number of 4-1/a compulsory insurance holders is 64 315. According to the industrial registry records of Giresun Provincial Directorate of Industry and Technology in August 2023, 14 206 people are employed in 743 companies in the industry sector, while the ready-made clothing sector with % 34.27 and the food sector with % 30.33 provide the highest employment. The largest number of workplaces operates in the food sector with a share of % 37.15. The number of unemployed people registered with İŞKUR in Giresun is 22 418. The rate of women is % 53 and the rate of young people between the ages of 18-24 is % 27.1 in these people.


Giresun has shown a remarkable improvement in the quality of health services in recent years. Giresun has become a developing province in the region with the increase in the diversity and capacity of the public health institutions and the increase in the health institutions opened with private investments. In addition, public investments for developing and strengthening the health infrastructure continue. Training and Research Hospital affiliated to Giresun University came into operation and also made significant contributions to Giresun in the field of health. There are 17 state hospitals and 2 private hospitals in Giresun. 6 of the hospitals in the province are in the city center (4 state, 2 private), 11 of them are in the districts. According to the 2022 data of the Provincial Directorate of Health, the total number of beds in state and private hospitals throughout the province is 1 760. In Giresun, there are 631 physicians, of which 276 are specialists and 355 are practitioners, 192 academicians, 72 dentists and 6 227 nurses, midwives and assistants. Family Medicine system has been implemented in Giresun since 2010. There are 16 Community Health Centers, 37 Family Health Centers, 1 CEDSE (Cancer Early Diagnosis, Screening and Education Center), 1 Tuberculosis Dispensary.


In Giresun, the gross school enrollment rates are % 94.17 at primary school level, % 93.04 at secondary school level and % 116.29 at high school level. Especially at the vocational and technical high school level, the school enrollment rate is above the Türkiye average. The number of schools in the province is 539, the number of classrooms is 4 098, the number of teachers is 6 166 and the number of students is 72 983. While there are 44 vocational high schools, there are 16 Public Education Centers that also provide adult education under the Ministry of National Education. Giresun University was established in 2006, and as of 2023, 13 Faculties, 3 Institutes, 6 Schools and 17 Vocational Schools, 22 Research and Application Centers, 214 Departments, 230 Major Science Branches and 44 Science Branches, 15 Major Art Branches and 8 Art Branches, 219 Associate Degree Programs ( 94 Active ), 94 Undergraduate Programs ( 56 Active ), 59 Graduate Programs ( 54 Active ) + 12 Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs , 12 Doctorate Programs, 2 Interdisciplinary Doctorate Programs and 1 State Conservatory provides education in 17 campuses. In the center, there are Güre, Nizamiye and Gazipaşa campuses and in the districts; there are Alucra, Bulancak, Dereli, Espiye, Eynesil, Görele, Keşap, Piraziz, Şebinkarahisar and Tirebolu campuses. As of 2023, there are 1 137 academicians and 26 354 students. ( 11 885 associate degree, 12 458 undergraduate, 1 839 master degree and 172 doctorate ) Since 2006 and including 2022, 66 740 people have graduated from Giresun University.


There are 10 cinemas, 1 museum, 15 public libraries, 1 municipal theater, 1 district art theater, 30 local newspapers, 2 local television channels and 9 local radios in Giresun.


Giresun has important metallic mineral deposits and is especially rich in copper, lead and zinc deposits. While there are copper-zinc-lead deposits throughout the province, the most important ones are in the Tirebolu, Espiye and Şebinkarahisar. As industrial raw materials such as bentonite, barite and kaolin, there are visible and probable reserves, especially in Dereli, Bulancak and Şebinkarahisar districts. In the areas with metallic mining operation license in Giresun, it is seen that copper-zinc-lead reserves are mainly used and barite, marble and alunite reserves are used as industrial raw material production.


According to the data obtained from Giresun Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, there are 85 000 farmers in Giresun. 82 000 of them produce hazelnuts, 7 278 of them produce tea and 20 000 of them are also engaged in animal husbandry. Of the total provincial land of 6 934 000 decares, % 22.11 is agricultural land, % 46.55 is forest land, % 16.85 is meadow and pasture land and % 14.49 is non-agricultural land. The agricultural area of Giresun, which is 1 533 354 decares, ranks 53rd in Turkey and constitutes % 0.64 of Turkey. According to the 2022 data of TUIK; fruit, beverage and spice plants are grown in % 78.10, cereals and other herbal products are grown in % 12.18 and vegetables are grown in % 1.52 of agricultural area. The remaining % 8.20 is fallow land. In the field of fruits, beverage and spice plants, Giresun ranks 10th in Turkey and constitutes % 3.26 of Turkey. Hazelnut area constitutes % 98.3 of the total fruit area and % 76.8 of the total agricultural area. % 1.4 of the remaining % 1.7 fruit area is the tea leaves area. As hazelnut area, Giresun ranks 3rd in Turkey and has a share of % 15.8 in Turkey. As tea area, Giresun ranks 4th among the 5 provinces where tea is produced in Turkey and has a share of % 2. Hazelnut production is 92 305 tons ( % 69.5 of 132 821 tons of fruit, beverage and spice plants produced in Giresun ) in 2022. Although the production area is small compared to the total area, 20 189 tons of tea was produced in Giresun in 2022 and this production ranks 2nd in Giresun with a share of % 15.2 after hazelnuts. The other products produced in Giresun include apple, pear, cherry, kiwi, walnut, mulberry, cranberry, medlar. With 92 305 tons of hazelnut production, Giresun ranked 4th in Turkey after Ordu, Samsun and Sakarya and had a share of % 12.1. With 20 189 tons of tea production, Giresun ranked 4th among the 5 tea-producing provinces in Turkey and had a share of % 1.55. Grains and other plant products area, which are in the 2nd place in the agricultural area distribution of the province, are concentrated in Şebinkarahisar, Alucra and Çamoluk districts, which are in the inner parts of Giresun, due to the terrain and climatic conditions. Among the products grown in this region are wheat, barley, alfalfa, oats, sainfoin, potatoes, triticale, corn, vetch, silage corn, dry chickpeas, dry beans, rye and animal beets, respectively according to the production share in the Giresun in 2022. Giresun does not have high production shares in these products in Turkey. Lastly looking at vegetables; especially black cabbage, green beans, tomatoes, white cabbage and cucumber production in Giresun constitute % 86.4 of the total production. In black cabbage production, Giresun ranks 2nd among 26 cities in Turkey and has a share of % 11.1.


A large part of the exports to foreign markets in Giresun originate from agricultural industrial products, in which hazelnut processing is predominant. Hazelnut, which has a share of % 85 in the Giresun's exports is exported to European countries such as Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Belgium and USA, China and Israel, where the hazelnut-related food industry is developed and hazelnut consumption is widespread. In addition, the share of the Defense and Aviation Industry Sector has gained importance in the last 3 years and has increased to % 7.25. Giresun realized 346.4 million dollars export in 2022, decreased of % 2.15 compared to the previous year. However, in the last five years, % 131 increase was recorded in the export. According to the data obtained from Giresun Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 88 companies carried out export activities in Giresun in 2021. %45 of these companies operate in food manufacturing, %15 in machinery manufacturing, %9 in textile, %6 in forest products and %2 in defense industry sectors. The share of Giresun's exports in 2022 in the TR 90 Region was %16. While this share is also %16 in 2021, it is %14.5 in 2020 and %12 in 2019.


According to July 2023 data in Giresun, when the distribution of public investments according to sectors is examined, DSİ comes first with 89 projects. 38 of these 89 projects consist of works such as early flood warning system and flood traps in order to prevent floods, which are especially common in Giresun. DSİ is followed by transportation and infrastructure sector with 33 projects, electricity&natural gas distribution with 29 projects, agriculture and forestry with 25 projects, education with 23 projects, health with 9 projects and sports with 1 project. Giresun-Şebinkarahisar-Sivas Corridor (Eğribel Pass) Crossing Project, which is important for the province in the field of transportation, was completed and put into service in 2023. Merkez District Nizamiye Mah. Soguksu Healthy Life Center ASM + TSM + 112 ASHI, Camoluk Integrated District Hospital, Görele Opr. Dr. Ergun ÖZDEMİR State Hospital 40-Bed Annex Building, Doğankent Integrated District Hospital + FHC + ASM, Piraziz Integrated District Hospital, Central District No. 2 ASHİ, Bulancak No. 3 Ballıca ASM ( 9 AHB ), Dereli TSM ( T 11 ) + ASM ( T 8 ) + 112 ASHİ, Espiye No. 3 ASM (4 AHB) + District SM (T 5) are the ongoing projects in the field of health. In the field of tourism, the Eastern Black Sea Tourism Master Plan studies continue. Bulancak Pazarsuyu 2nd Organized Industrial Zone and Ordu-Giresun Airport Projects, which are among the investments of great importance for the province, have been completed and put into operation. Between January 2001 and June 2023 in Giresun, 421 Investment Incentive Certificates were issued by the Ministry of Industry and Technology and % 42.52 of these Incentive Certificates were given for manufacturing, % 37.29 for service and % 17.58 for energy. In addition, 11 mining and agriculture related documents were given. In this period, the expected Fixed Investment Amount of the investments within the scope of the Investment Incentive Certificate is 6.221 Billion TL and the expected employment is 13 854 people.


Giresun was established on a peninsula extending towards the sea between Aksu and Batlama valleys. Like other provinces in the Eastern Black Sea Region, it is a quiet, peaceful and naturally rich city. Giresun Island (Aretias), located 1 mile off the coast, adds a special value to Giresun as it is the only island of the Eastern Black Sea. The island is also the center of attention of tourists with its natural beauty, historical ruins, bird watching areas and cultural structure blended with mythological stories. Giresun Castle and Museum are the first places to visit for domestic and foreign tourists. Besides Bektaş, Kümbet and Kulakkaya plateaus, which are declared as Tourism Centers, Karagöl, Kazıkbeli, Çakrak, Paşakonağı, Karaovacık, Dokuzgöz and Sisdagi are also the main plateaus. Since the plateaus in Giresun are not far from the city centers and the roads are asphalt, there is no problem in terms of transportation. According to the data of 2022, the number of arrivals of domestic and foreign tourists is 196 734 and the number of annual overnight stays is 325 962. There are 2 222 rooms and 4 329 beds in a total of 97 facilities. There are 33 facilities with Tourism Operation Certificate, 3 facilities with tourism investment certificate, 42 facilities with municipality certificate and 19 public guesthouses.


Giresun is the place where the world's best quality hazelnuts are grown. Therefore, hazelnut is the most important commercial product of the province. While Giresun hazelnut, which is well-known in the world markets, was exported naturally in the past years, today it is exported to be used in roasted, chopped, blanched flour and puree, biscuits, chocolate, ice cream, desserts and pastries, meals and salads by processing in modern facilities located in the province. There are 2 OIZs and 5 SISs operating in Giresun. First OIZ was established in 1990. It has a total area of 70 hectares with 41 parcels and 40 parcels have been allocated. It has a % 98 occupancy rate according to the this parcel allocation. 25 companies continue their production actively. While 6 companies are export-based, there is 1 foreign capital company. A total of 1 400 people are employed. Established in 2012, Giresun’s 2nd OIZ has a total area of 48 hectares and 52 parcels, 43 of which have been allocated to 36 companies. It has an occupancy rate of % 83 according to the this parcel allocation. A total of 3 320 people are employed. In order to establish a Technology Development Zone in the 2nd OIZ, a land of 9 942,5 m2 was allocated to Giresun University on 30.07.2018 and the land was declared as a Technology Development Zone with the President's Decision No. 801 published in the Official Gazette dated 28.02.2019. The zoning plan of the Technology Development Zone has been amended, approved by the Ministry, and the suspension process has been completed. The construction phase of architectural and other projects has been completed and the construction works of the Technology Development Zone are continuing. There are 1 260 workplaces in the total of 5 active SISs, of which 1 123 (%89.1) are full and 137 (%10.9) are empty. The total number of employment in SISs is 3 473 people. Due to the physical structure and infrastructure problems of the 1st OIZ, the desired firm quality and occupancy in the 1st OIZ could not be reached. Due to the fact that the 2nd OIZ is sufficiently convenient in terms of transportation and has no problems in terms of infrastructure, it has received a high rate of investor demand and its allocations have been completed. The changing and developing investment environment of the province has led to new investments. Increasing investor demand has opened the door to the 3rd and 4th OIZs in Giresun. The reconstruction works of the 3rd and 4th OIZs, which were approved by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in 2021, continue. The 3rd OIZ will be established between Espiye&Tirebolu and the 4th OIZ will be established in the Çavuşlu District of Görele.


As of June 2023, the total loan amount in Giresun is 28 223 182 000 TL. Of this total, % 88.55 (24 993 111 000 TL) is cash loan, % 11.45 (3 230 071 000 TL) is non-cash loan. As of June 2023, the total deposit amount in Giresun is 25 370 013 000 TL. Of this total, % 87.8 (22 272 041 000 TL) is savings deposits and % 12.2 (3 097 972 000 TL) is other deposits. % 60.1 (13 393 471 000 TL) of savings deposits are in TL, % 39.9 (8 878 570 000 TL) are in foreign currency. Of the other deposits, % 80.2 (2 484 904 000 TL) is TL and % 19.8 (613 068 000 TL) is in foreign currency. As of June 2023, there are 54 bank branches in Giresun. The population per 1 branch is 8 349 people. Cash Loans per Person is 54 836,19 TL, Savings Deposits per Person is 49.398,80 TL, Total Deposits per Person ise 56.270,02 TL and Follow-Up Debt per Person is 597,87 TL.

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